Geographic Information Science
Upcoming Events
AED40 2025 TRBAM Committee Meeting
Monday, January 6, 1:30 PM-5:30 PM EST, Liberty Salon I (M4), Marriott Marquis
AED40 2025 TRBAM Committee Meeting Agenda
AED40 Fall Meeting
November 6th, 2024 (3:00PM - 6:00PM Eastern)
Please RSVP to let us know if you are attending.
The Scope of TRB AED40 Geographic Information Science Committee
includes all aspects of the use of geospatially enabled technology and processes to collect, extract, and analyze spatial data, to enable efficient transportation-related decision making, information sharing, data transformation and data exchange. The committee is interested in both research into and applications of this information and its associated information systems, commonly referred to as Geographic Information Systems in Transportation (GIS-T). The committee will provide a focal point for and promote coordination of GIS-T activities within the TRB committee structure.
Specifically, this committee intends to achieve the following Objectives
To expand the use of spatial data analysis tools and capabilities in new and innovative ways to address emerging challenges.
To capture, manage, and analyze a variety of geospatially referenced data for transportation asset inventory and performance analysis
To address the complexities in the integration of geospatial data with differing precision, accuracies and formats.
To conduct transportation system performance monitoring using innovative spatial data mining and analysis techniques
Focus Areas
Support the practice, development, advancement, training, and use of asset management principles, practices, tools, and techniques through research.
Quantify and communicate the benefits of asset management principles and practices.
Maintain and enhance robust, and diverse volunteer participation
Promotes coordination of transportation GIS activities within the TRB Committee structure.
Serving a Growing and Shifting Population
Transformational Technologies and Services
System Performance and Asset Management
Safety and Public Health
Disruptive Technologies Governance
System Performance and Asset Management
To expand the use of spatial data analysis tools and capabilities in new and innovative ways to address emerging challenges.
To capture, manage, and analyze a variety of geospatially referenced data for transportation asset inventory and performance analysis.
To address the complexities in the integration of geospatial data with differing precision, accuracies and formats.
To conduct transportation system performance monitoring using innovative spatial data mining and analysis techniques
Hot Topics
Spatial Big Data Analytics
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles(CAV)
Geostatistics and
Spatial Data Science
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Open Data/Open Government
Crowdsourcing & VGI
Spatial Clustering and Pattern Detection
Real-Time Streaming GeoData
Shared Mobility Services/TNC/Mobility on Demand
Detailed Information About AED40
Please see the committee triannual plan for more detailed information about AED 40
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